Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How to Hack website

You can hack any website its very simple.First choose a website or blog that you wish to hack and allow it load completely.

Then place the follwing code on the address bar and press enter.
javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true';document.designMode = 'on'; void 0

thats all you have hacked that website .now you can make any changes in that page as you like.but these are changes only in the local(client) machine .nothing happens to the actual this technique you can make your friends fool

Monday, February 16, 2009

നമസ്കാരംThe Perseids (pronounced /ˈpɜrsiː.ɨdz/ us dict: pûr′·sē·ĭdz) are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle. The Perseids are so called because the point they appear to come from, called the radiant, lies in the constellation Perseus. Meteor showers occur when Earth moves through a meteor stream. The stream in this case is called the Perseid cloud and it stretches along the orbit of the Comet Swift-Tuttle. The cloud consists of particles ejected by the comet as it passes by the Sun. Most of the dust in the cloud today is approximately a thousand years old. However, there is also a relatively young filament of dust in the stream that was pulled off the comet in 1862. The rate of meteors originating from this filament is much higher than for the older part of the stream.